Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I'm home.... but not for long..

YES I CAN FINALLY RELAX AT HOME..... for one day...... Yeah, today 00.15 I came home from Gröna lund, An amusement park in Stockholm. yesterday I were there with a group of 7 and I hade lots of fun. We even went en rode eclipse. The highest starflyer , and It was amazing!!! It looks so scary and Is so good, if youre going to grönan (gröna lund) then you shouldnt be scared you should try riding It (the only scary thing is the line-up.


So yeah, I went to Dinocon as soon as school ended, and I had a awesome time, I can't wait for Dinocon 3!!!!

Dinocon is convention in västerås on rudbekianska gymnasiet. I went togheter with 2 friends... lets call them Viki an Nyanya and we brought 4 kigurumis with us. One stich, chesire cat, chinese dragon and gloomy. However, my cellphone camera broke, so next time I'll bring my pink-super-swag camera!! Anyways, in our sleepingquarters we had one Loki!!!!! And SHIZOU!!!! they were amazing cosplayers ^W^ Oh, I wish I had a picture.... And Crestillion had their debut there, I'm going to see them again so Im super happy!

New Instagram account:

yeah, I got a new instagram account, I'm very active on It so, you can follow if you want to know whats going on ;3

Monday, June 10, 2013



Yay! Summer vacation begins tomorrow! Im so Exited! C: Okey, let me tell you how this month looks...

12/6 school ends, Fett med kärlek (a festival or something)
13/6 Dinocon
14/6 Dinocon
15/6 Dinocon
16/6 Dinocon
17/6 Dinner with a friend
18/6 Grönalund (an amusement park)
20/6 Östhammar with one of my friends
21/6 östhammar
22/6 östhammar
23/6 östhammar
24/6 Uppsalakai meeting
28/6 storcon

UEah thats how June looks, however I think It's great that I have something to do! :3

Guess what came in the post yesterday!

Yesterday I got tha Asuna nendorid, she's so cute! It's so Awesome, this is the third Asuna manga figure I have, we'll se if I'll buy the figma. Uh with Asuna you got two swords , one extra leg, five extra arms (no sandwich... D: ) and yeah three more things I can't translate ^^. Anyways, I think that this was woth the prize even though It was expensive :3.

Help please!

So yeah, I'm playing mad father and I can't find the ladder :C Anyone here knows where the ladder are?

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Woho! Yesterday me and my friend had a party ( or we call It parthy, for fun) togheter with 8 of our friends (I know, forever alooone :C). Even thought we were only 10 persons we had super fun!! The whole parthy were kind off like a competition, they worked hard for the first prize.... Candyyy, the team the walking dead won :3. yeah, on the party I got pocky, nailpolish and stuff like that ^w^yeah! And this super cute little hello kitty thing... some kind of cosplay collection with hello kitty! It was so cute! So I went and bought some more today! And besides this parthy and evrything. I found and old unopened box with apple bloom and sweetiebelle in my room today!!! <3 (I will go buy more of these hello kitty things tomorrow ^^, then you'll get a picure ^^)

Anyways! Today I bought ticets to dinocon and ordered the Asuna nendoroid! I just can't wait to go get It! But first I have to wait almost a whole week :C And actually I wanted to buy the Kirito nendorid but It was sold out before the realese or something so I didnt get to buy It :c so I'm gonna try to convience my brother to let me buy the Kirito and Asuna figma (and maybe the yotsuba revoltech). WISH ME LUCK!