Monday, February 18, 2013


yeah so today I was on the drawing course, we had a nude model... Yeah It was awkward but somehow it was fun....Well It was really really awkward the first 2 hours so.... Yah... I dont wanna do it again...
But yeah whatever, I drew princess bubblegum today! As Manga! I think it turned out pretty well, even though the coloring really sucked!!!! Well the reason for that is that i really needed more pink promarkers!, i mean I have one pink promarker, and I jused it for her skin... Cuz princess bubblegum is pink, and shes not human... She looks like a pink human made of bubblegum X3. But heres the drawing

And im sure everpony knows exactly how princess bubblegum looks like! But since shes so awesome... Here a pic of her from the cartoon is! I know! My coloring really sucks!

So have anypony seen MLP:FIM S3 E13? 

Well I saw it yesterday, It was kinda dissapointing.. Well I wont spoil anything I just mean, dafaq Alicorn!? Princess!? No just no... And the whole episode felt messed up..... And wait!  Isnt this the last episode? This is disapointing very disapointing, for this awesome cartoon to end like this! I really hope that lauren frost will make more! Oh and i might be wrong.. Anyways, go watch it!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

so my class is selling poken

My class is going to sell poken, how many out there have one? they are really cute and i think they would be very useful.
dont mind the swedish subtitle.


im still doing my best with coloring, im trying to learn how to. Its pretty hard cuz i have noone teaching me how to do! >.< the result doesnt turen out very well. This is the latest thing i drew, it was for a drawing contest on instagram about valentines day... Yeah.... I didnt write anything on valentines day, i was busy sleeping , no jk i was in school- singing, dancing.... sorry for that.. .XD Anywayss heres the drawing from valentines day! with color and onlye "lineart"

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Draw upside down

Aww yeahhhh! We have booked Naruto shippuden ultimate ninjastorn 3 will of fire edition now! >U< im so happy! Yeah i choosed the one with naruto... sasuke is a bitch,,,, yeah now i have said that maybe a little to many times (X3)


Have you ever tried drawing upside down? 

Yeah, have you? what are u now thinking? "upside down? is she an idiot?" actually, kinda yeah... *shakes head* I mean no!!! sigh I got to know this on the drawing course... Anyways.. Drawing upside down really makes it easier to draw, lemme explain... When u have chosen an already existing picture (i havent tried withe manga but... I think it gets better result if its a realistic picture..) u wanna draw u put it upside down. Then you just draw what you see... not what you know.. Do you understand? Well as i did, I chosed a cat. If It was placed right i would have been thinking "Its cat, now Im drawing the ear, now Im drawing the eye" yeah, but if i have it upside down i just draw what i see, i dont think about thats the ear and that the eye. I think "this deatail looks like this so it should be more like this, and that detail should look like that". U really should try It! This is how It turned out for me! ^^ 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Popular manga

i just started to read Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn And Kuroko no Basuke. Both are very intresting shounen mangas that are counted to "the big 5" or at least kateikyoushi hitman reborn are togheter with : Naruto,
Bleach, One piece and Fairy tail . And yeah now u say "but the big 5 is dragon ball, rurouni kenshin, sailor moon, Ranma and (an anime i dunno the name on)" And i say "NO!" coz u see they are the LEGENDARY 5 u see! ^w^ Anyways back to what i was talking about.

Kateikyoushi Hitman reborn i reall funny and random XD (im onl on chapter 16) Its about Tsuna who is a good-for-nothing boy in his teen years. He suck at sports ,have bad luck, sucks at fighting and have really bad grades. Yeah bad grades.... So his mother decidies to hire a home tutor to Tsuna. And thats where Reborn is coming in to the story. Reborn looks like a small child even though he is a leader of the vangola maffia! (:O!!!)  And he is there to actually make Tsuna to Reborn 10th! Coz Tsuna is going to be the next leader in the big vangola Maffia! (:O) And yeah i wont spoil anymore about it! ^W^

The mangas status is completed with "only" 409 chapters. go check it out

Kuroko no basuke is also kinda fun, i have only read 3 chapters there so theres actually not much for me to say.. But its an manga about basket ^w^ I will write more about it when i have read more ^^

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Oh my glob

I want It! NO, I need It!!! >A< i have been waiting for a year now for Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 3!!! And next month it will come! Gluuuubbb!!! I WANT IT!!!!!! no, I NEEED IIIT!!!! >A< I want one of the special editions too, but theyre so expensive!!! >A< why why why!?

Maybe if  I save my money i can buy one of these editions.... but wich edition would i buy!? Will of fire edition or True despair edition? I dont like sasuke, but hes much more hotter than Naruto >.<  But Naruto is a much better person than sasuke, coz sasuke is a fucking bitch..... yeah i hate sasuke even though hes hot >;( . I really dunno wich one to pre-order >,< ( i really hope my parents will allow me to buy it..) And yeah, it doesnt seem to be any changes in the game (i thinks so at least) . I still want >.< If my parents dont allow me to buy a special edition I will but the normal game that costs about 300swedish kronor ( about 30 dollars) less....
Im pretty sure that this game will be very ( very very very very very very very very very ) good. Cuz Naruto shippuden ultimate ninja stor 2 och naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm generations were extremly good and on the trailer this game seem to be even better!!! =w=