Monday, February 18, 2013


yeah so today I was on the drawing course, we had a nude model... Yeah It was awkward but somehow it was fun....Well It was really really awkward the first 2 hours so.... Yah... I dont wanna do it again...
But yeah whatever, I drew princess bubblegum today! As Manga! I think it turned out pretty well, even though the coloring really sucked!!!! Well the reason for that is that i really needed more pink promarkers!, i mean I have one pink promarker, and I jused it for her skin... Cuz princess bubblegum is pink, and shes not human... She looks like a pink human made of bubblegum X3. But heres the drawing

And im sure everpony knows exactly how princess bubblegum looks like! But since shes so awesome... Here a pic of her from the cartoon is! I know! My coloring really sucks!

So have anypony seen MLP:FIM S3 E13? 

Well I saw it yesterday, It was kinda dissapointing.. Well I wont spoil anything I just mean, dafaq Alicorn!? Princess!? No just no... And the whole episode felt messed up..... And wait!  Isnt this the last episode? This is disapointing very disapointing, for this awesome cartoon to end like this! I really hope that lauren frost will make more! Oh and i might be wrong.. Anyways, go watch it!

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