Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Draw upside down

Aww yeahhhh! We have booked Naruto shippuden ultimate ninjastorn 3 will of fire edition now! >U< im so happy! Yeah i choosed the one with naruto... sasuke is a bitch,,,, yeah now i have said that maybe a little to many times (X3)


Have you ever tried drawing upside down? 

Yeah, have you? what are u now thinking? "upside down? is she an idiot?" actually, kinda yeah... *shakes head* I mean no!!! sigh I got to know this on the drawing course... Anyways.. Drawing upside down really makes it easier to draw, lemme explain... When u have chosen an already existing picture (i havent tried withe manga but... I think it gets better result if its a realistic picture..) u wanna draw u put it upside down. Then you just draw what you see... not what you know.. Do you understand? Well as i did, I chosed a cat. If It was placed right i would have been thinking "Its cat, now Im drawing the ear, now Im drawing the eye" yeah, but if i have it upside down i just draw what i see, i dont think about thats the ear and that the eye. I think "this deatail looks like this so it should be more like this, and that detail should look like that". U really should try It! This is how It turned out for me! ^^ 

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