Saturday, March 16, 2013

Anime the concert was so.... AWESOME! Kouhei Tanaka was there and he's so talanted! (a person who made music to one piece, dragon ball, gundam yeah ya'know) ermygod It was so awesome! I really would like to go and se the concert again, but I dont have money or time to go and watch the one in Stockholm that is today. they played music from: Inuyasha, ranma, pokemon, naruto, gundam, one piece, bleach, Fma (they singed Brat'ja ;___;), Full metal panic , Neon genins evangielion, princess mononoke and much more!

And and and, I bought a signed Cd from Kouhei Tanaka, its so awesome

This is one of the songs Tanaka sang (well this isnt the concert)

And since they sang and played Brat'ja I really felt like sharing this song right now :'3

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