Sunday, March 17, 2013


yeaaaay! Now I have bought ticets for storcon (Its really to bad that It crahes with crystalcon, I really really wanted to go there) So Im gonna see Overworld and Seremedy! YAY! :D :D :D (even thought I really wanted to go to the brony convention.......) And Im going to attend to the cosplaycontest (oh god why?) I really need to start sewing a new cosplay!!! Anyways, this is hows It going with my Len cos :3
I only need to make a tie and a wig and then im done :D But nuuuuuuuh!!! I cant cosplay Len in the contest >.< theres 4 months left until there i Storcon... Maybe I have enough time to Make a Edward Elric cosplay, I think I could make It without moms help OvO *starts to sketch patterns* *shows how It turend out and a picture on the character im talking about*
It turned pretty well... I cant wait until I can sew this.... lol... I cant wait until im done with It... But I really have short time on my hands.... Anywaysssss.... Heres a seremedy song ^W^ AAAnd If u are intressted in storcon and can read swedish.... Then heres storcons website:

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