Monday, December 17, 2012


Since I were trolling around on hobby search ( )  I just found two figures that almost made me nosbleed.... From Uta no prince sama máji love  1000% I werelike omg, Otaya OMG tokiya, my  fave chars!!! 
anywasys here they are *nose bleed* 
Ichinose Tokiya *Special Price 20% OFF (PVC Figure) Item picture13
Omg just look at hes face *-* 
Ittoki Otoya *Special Price 20% OFF (PVC Figure) Item picture13
And Otaya, even hotter 
b-b-b-b-but togheter it became even..... more HOT!!! [close]
Ittoki Otoya *Special Price 20% OFF (PVC Figure) Other picture2



so yeah, now they have realesed krito, Meruru and a new kind of miku (and they have desinged the new snow miku, i mean the 2013 ver) GAAAH I WANT ALL OF THEM!!!

Nendoroid Kirito (PVC Figure) Item picture6
This is how kirito is made, i think they did a reallly really good job, look how good it looks. Kirigaya is so cute1!! I WANT THIS MORE THAN ANYTHING! (right now X.X ) but to bad my parents wont let me buy it.... Anyways, I have waited really long for them to make Kirito and as I said, they did a really good job, or Kazuyoshi Udono, did a really fantastic job. Even thought I would like to have more of kiritos faces >,< but yeay, u mostly get onlye 3 faces with a nendoroid. REally cute, I like this nendoroid more than the kirito figma (they are not done with the figma yet though) (or well, they haven realeased it yet) 
YEah I like the figma too, hes really cute and so, but but... THE NENDOROID IS SO ADOREBLE!!! just >,< so cuuuuute!  And ofc they have done Asuna to (Kazuyoshi Udono made Asuna too)
Nendoroid Asuna (PVC Figure) Item picture5
Asuna is also made by KAzuyoshi Udono, but this was made a little erlier than kirito, I think I will be able to buy her in Japan (and i might get a chance to but kirito to in japan) Even though, I think they could have done an even more Asuna (like if she had sandwisches or something XD, and the cape she hade in the begining uyeaah ), but this one is totallly super cute so :> yeah. I have to say Kazuyoshi Udono is a genius! >U< this is a link to more awesome figures he have made:  

Nendoroid Hoshikuzu Witch Meruru (PVC Figure) Item picture6
KYAAAAH then we have this cute little Hoshikuzu witch meruru, kyah I cant belive goodsmile company even made this! I were like :O Shes so lovely and adoreble, i just wanna hug her (and i dont even like hugs so much) just look at her, Amazing, i realy really want ther to, look at the details >,< and the little bunny, shes perfect (And yeah I already have 1 of the noe 4 oreimo nendoroids and it wouldnt hurt to get 1 more :D) but i guess my parents wont let me buy this awesome character either.  U did a good job making this Kazuhiko Yoshine >:D 
Nendoroid Hatsune Miku 2.0 (PVC Figure) Item picture1
And then this awesome new miku! that looks like original miku, with her u get 2 speakers, 3 faces, 1 keyboard, 1 guitar and 1 leek, how awesome isnt that!? <3___<3 and its the 300th nendoroid!!! I WANT HER TO!!! she looks alot like the clasic miku, but i almost think this much more awesome than the old ver, she looks much better and happyier and more real!!! Manabu Kato, good job!!! (heres a link to more of the figures he have made)  It really is to bad my mom and dad dislike manga and anime so much!!! >n<
the first miku.....
And then we have the plans for Snow miku 2013
Shes really cute and they have tried making her like this to : 
I really reall want them all >,<

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The picture

Remember that picture I drew of celestia, I found that persons Deviantart! So heres the real pic (I know i know, my picture looks almost to much alike >.<) . I really really want to give her credit for this picture, It looks amazing (my suck compared to this)

Thursday, December 13, 2012



I watched the latest episode of mlpfim yesterday, it was very good. It was about scootaloo being afraid of raibow dashs ghost stories. It was very funny and the end was touching (almost cried a little there in the ending) U really really should watch that episode.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Tired as fuck but still have to go to school at 7:30 so Ill be there 8:00, im going to walk Lucia uhh whatever its called. Y'know when u have a white long "dress" down til your feet, a wreath around your head and a redband bundle around the waist. And then you sing about 20 song in a choir with a candle in your hand. Its a tradidition...And Its very funny to do IT, even though its so tiring! >.< Anyways, now i recognuized I dont have time to watch Btooom....


I Love It. Love It, Love It, Love It!!! Its nearly as good as the lord of the rings, this movie... SHUT UP AND WATCH IT BITCH!!! (sorry .____. but realy... WATCH IT!!) It was so awesome, I nearly cried 3 times and I laught alot!!!! Hobbit Is a must, go watch it! Okay, if u dont know what this is..... U should be ashamed..... Anyways..... KILI IS SOOO CUTE AND HOT!!!! Omg.... Just give me the second part now (I dont wanna wait a year!!!! D: Thats evil) 
This is bilbo, the maincharacter

Friday, December 7, 2012


I just started playing Transformice again, its not as good as it was before (I started playing Tfm 2 or 3 years ago) they have changed almost verything! >n< Anyways, now when i started playing again i decided to start over with a new account (yeeeaaah cant remember my password om my old account). And yeaaah, its funny even thought it was more fun in the begining, when Tfm was comletly new. Anyways, if u play Tfm or start playing it and sees someone named "Moonischeese" its me, and I havent bought anything yet so yeaaah, i just look like everypony else that have just started playing... 
This is how I looked at my old account.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Only at school

Its only at school that i can draw. When I draw home It only looks wierd, so i don tdraw at all when im home.  >.< sometimes I really wish that i were able to draw at home!!!
And right now on my culture time in school (I go in culture class...) Im working on a mlp picture with celestia. At first it looked kinda good, but now im just making it look like crap. I got my insperation from a picture i found on goggle, but on that picture she looks more like Cadenece (:O) Even though, its a very very beutiful picture. SO I really want to show that picture and give credit to the one who made it. But I cant either find that picture or get to know who made it :C ( im so sorry for that :C) But this is how it goes for me :)
jobbar med det här på kulturiden( går i kulturklass) på skolan... Jag erkänner att jag typ har tittat på en annan bild och bara ritat samma sak... Iaf det är akryl färg projekt (typ :s) #mlp #mlpfim #skolan #akryl #tavla #pony #mylittlepony #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic
First it was like this, and after today it became like this
I will keep on working on it next week (cant wait) 
Uhh yeaaah no when were talking about ponies..... Today I got the Mlpfim Advent calender!! I know its a little late, but I werent going to get a calender at all, so im very happy. And it was soooooo CHEAAAAP!!! Only 50 swedish kronor (about 5 euro). The original price is 199 swedish kronor (about 20 euro). So I were like OOOOMG. Anyways ,heres the calender 
(btw, only 2 days left til i go to london :D)

Monday, December 3, 2012


I cleaned my room yesterday :O It was soooo booooring!!!! >XC Cleaning is the worst thing ever! My room turned out like this (a part of my room) 
Well yeah, its a little messy, but theres not messy at all if u know how it looked before i started cleaning....
yeaaah....... Uhhhhh Im so happy now cuz i cleaned, now i can find the thing im looking for when i need them and so =w=

Anyways, im gouing to buy ticets to the movie Hobbit now, I cant wait!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


pony blindbag opening and fluttershy review

Fairy tail

I just started watching fairy tail, im on episode 16... Its not a new anime or anything, but Its still ongoing.
And Fairy yail is  a aeally funny and random anime, just like Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai It have some sad stories and past. It feels like theres no seriousness in the start even thought there is alot. But i mean, theres nothing interessting in an anime if it doesnt have any meaning or sad moments.

The story is about (copied the description from again)
Lucy is a 17-year-old girl, who wants to be a full-fledged mage. One day when visiting Harujion Town, she meets Natsu, a young man who gets sick easily by any type of transportation. But Natsu isnt just any ordinary kid, he's a member of one of the world's most (in)famous mage guilds: Fairy Tail. 
(thats the begining, I will write a little more) Lucy Joins Fairy Tail becaouse It was kind of like one of her goals. At fairy tail she meets lots of people and makes lots of friends. And she get to expierance alot of adventures
I would say the maincharacters is Lucy hertfilia ,Natsu dragneel and Happy, the blue little cat (but more lucy and Natsu).  Even thought it sometimes feel like fairy tail is about alot of people.

Lucy is a blond girl and like how people se swedish girls, blond har and nice body.. I dont understande why thought.... sweden arent like that, and no polar bears does not run around on the street and theres noone brave enough to show so much of thier body (thank god for that). But no Lucy is not a swedish girl, I think. Her power is to invoke Celestial spirits with her keys.

Natsu & Happy. Natsu is a pink haired boy. Hes funny and wierd. Hes also very strong, first time talking to him would only make u think he is a wierdo that needs help.... But actuallly hes super strong. His magic is fire and hes very strong, he can eat fire to get more power. He have a great sense of hearing and to smell. Hes also way more smarter then expected, as i said, u would only think hes an idiot first. But I have to say, Natsu is the one that makes the anime, if u get it. Hes the one who makes it funny. Then we have Happy, hes a blue cat that can fly... And hes more like a mascot, hes really funny and cute and says "aye" almost all the time

Natsu and Lucy are the ones that we see most in the anime, but theres also 2 people that is there almost all the time, Its Erza Scarlet and Gray Fullbuster. I think that those 2 is really imortant in the anime and the manga, they make the anime even more funny and put more fights and action in it.
fairy tail anime
Erza Scarlet is red haired just like Kushina from naruto, they look a little like each others, and is a little like each others to. Erza is really strong, the strongest girl in the guild Fairy tail. Both Gray and Natsu (and Happy) is scared of her and sooner or later the same thing happens to lucy. Even thought they all are a little scared of her, she is thier percious friend and she thinks the same about them. Erzas power is sword magic. She have a very sad past.
Erza                                                                kushina
Then we have Gray. GRay is my fave character, cuz hes so cool!!!! He always fights with Natsu very often but as soon as Erza is there he dont dare to fight natsu and Natsu dont dare to fight him either, If yhey fight each other when erza is there they..... get beaten up..... Gray has an bad habbit to strip without even realizing It. Hes a ice mage and are very funny.

I couldnt find any good fairy tail anime trailer... But heres funny moments

I dont really like this super popular animes, but i think fairy tail si kinda worth watching.